See also my Google Scholar profile and DBLP entry.

Rheinländer, A.: Scalable and Declarative Information Extraction in a Parallel Data Analytics System. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 195 pages, 2017.
Rheinländer, A., Leser, U., Graefe, G.: Optimization of Complex Data Flows with User-Defined Functions. ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 50 (3), article 38, 39 pages, 2017.

Kunkel, A., Rheinländer, A., Schiefer, C., Helmer, S., Bouros, P., Leser, U.: PIEJoin: Towards Parallel Set Containment Joins. SSDBM, 2016.
Rheinländer, A., Lehmann, M., Kunkel, A., Meier, J., Leser, U.: Potential and Pitfalls of Domain-Specific Information Extraction at Web Scale. SIGMOD, 2016.

Rheinländer, A., Heise, A., Hueske, F., Leser, U., Naumann, F.: SOFA: An Extensible Logical Optimizer for UDF-heavy Data Flows. Information Systems, vol. 52, pp. 96-125, 2015.

Alexandrov, A., Bergmann, R., Ewen, S., Freytag, J.-C., Hueske, F., Heise, A., Kao O., Leich, M., Leser U., Markl, V., Naumann, F., Peters, M., Rheinländer, A., Sax, M., Schelter, S., Höger, M., Tzoumas, K., Warneke, D.: The Stratosphere Platform for Big Data Analytics. VLDB Journal, 2014.
Rheinländer, A., Beckmann, M., Kunkel, A., Heise, A., Stoltmann, T., Leser, U.: Versatile optimization of UDF-heavy data flows with Sofa. Demo, SIGMOD, 2014.

Rheinländer, A., Heise, A., Hueske, F., Leser, U., Naumann, F.: SOFA: An Extensible Logical Optimizer for UDF-heavy Dataflows. Technical Report, CoRR, arXiv:1311.6335, 2013.
Leich, M., Adamek, J., Schubotz, M., Heise, A., Rheinländer, A., Markl, V.: Applying Stratosphere for Big Data Analytics Demo at BTW 2013, Magdeburg, Germany.

Fenz, D., Lange, D., Rheinländer, A., Leser, U., and Naumann, F.: Efficient Similarity Search in Very Large String Sets. Int. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), Chania, Greece, 2012.
Hueske, F., Peters, M., Sax, M.J., Rheinländer, A., Bergmann, R., Krettek, A., and Tzoumas, K.: Opening the Black Boxes in Dataflow Optimization. 38th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
Heise, A., Rheinländer, A., Leich, M., Naumann, F., and Leser, U.: Meteor/Sopremo: An Extensible Query Language and Operator Model. Int. Workshop on End-to-end Management of Big Data (BigData 2012), held in conjunction with 38th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
Wandelt, S., Rheinländer, A., Bux, M., Thalheim, L., Haldemann, B., and Leser, U.: Data Management Challenges in Next Generation Sequencing. Datenbank Spektrum, 2012.

Rheinländer, A. and Leser, U.: Scalable Sequence Similarity Search and Join in Main Memory on Multi-Cores. 2nd International Workshop on High Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (HiBB 2011), held in conjunction with Euro-Par 2011.
Rheinländer, A.: Accurate Long-Read Alignment using Similarity Based Multiple Pattern Alignment and Prefix Tree Indexing. Diploma Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Rheinländer, A. and Leser, U.: Fast Similarity Search and Similarity Join in Oracle DB. In: Proc. of DOAG'10, Nürnberg 2010.
Rheinländer, A., Knobloch, M., Hochmuth, N., and Leser, U.: Prefix Tree Indexing for Similarity Search and Similarity Join on Genomic Data. Int. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), Heidelberg, Germany, 2010.

Hakenberg, J., Tari, L., Gonzalez, G., Solt, I., Tikk, D., Rheinländer, A., Ngyuen. Q.L., and Leser, U.: Molecular Event Extraction from Link Grammar Parse Trees. BioNLP shared task 2009.

Talks, Posters, Demos

Rheinländer, A.: Logical Optimization of UDF-heavy Data Flows with SOFA. Talk, Hasso Plattner Institut Potsdam, March 2014.
Rheinländer, A.: Optimization of UDF-heavy Data Flows in Stratosphere. Talk, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, March 2014.
Rheinländer, A., Heise, A.: The Meteor Query Language for Large-Scale Data Analytics with Stratosphere. Demo, Stratosphere Summit Berlin, November 2013.
Rheinländer, A.: Web Data Analytics. Poster, Stratosphere Summit Berlin, November 2013.
Hueske, F., Warneke, D., Rheinländer, A.: The Stratosphere System.Demo, Dagstuhl Seminar 11321 "Information Management in the Cloud", August 2011.
Rheinländer, A.: Information Extraction in Stratosphere.Talk, Dagstuhl Seminar 11321 "Information Management in the Cloud", August 2011.
Rheinländer, A.: Scalable Information Extraction. Poster, Google Developer Day Berlin, November 2011.

Rheinländer, A.: Long-read alignment with similarity joins in prefix trees.Talk, SeqAn retreat, FU Berlin, October 2010.